How reports from 4chan on the Las Vegas shooting showed up on Google Top Stories

 In the early hours of the morning as reports were coming in about the mass shooting in Las Vegas, some of the largest web sites in the world were distributing unverified claims about the attack. Google, which was running reports from 4chan in some of its search queries as a top story, explained to us what went wrong… and how it enabled some false information from one of the… Read More

Source: Tech Crunch

ServiceNow just bought a design firm because even enterprise apps have to look pretty

 ServiceNow is best known for helping large organizations organize field service and help desk activity. Today it bought design firm Telepathy because it knows that offering enterprise-class functionality isn’t enough anymore. Your applications have to look good too.
The company did not reveal the acquisition price
Telepathy is a design firm that was founded in 2001 in San Diego and… Read More

Source: Tech Crunch

The sorrow of Biz Stone

 A friend of mine wakes up every morning and reports every single instance of crass, homophobic, and racist behavior she sees on Twitter. She sees it as her duty, an ordering of things in an unordered stream. Her efforts are quixotic at best because when she wakes up and rubs the sleep out of her eyes the firehose still rages. Why does she have to do this? Because of Twitter’s success… Read More

Source: Tech Crunch

World View successfully launches its first stratollite from its Tucson HQ

 Stratospheric balloon launch startup World View has completed its inaugural launch from its new Tucson, Arizona-based headquarters, the company announced today. The new HQ was officially opened back in February, but since then it’s been preparing the facility for regular launch operations, culminating in today’s debut take-off. World View is trying to carve out novel territory… Read More

Source: Tech Crunch

A candid talk with investors who fund VCs about Binary Capital and much more

 On Wednesday night, at the Autodesk Gallery in San Francisco, this editor sat down with Michael Kim of Cendana Capital and Elizabeth “Beezer” Clarkson of Sapphire Ventures. I’d invited these fund of fund managers to a small industry event as they’re two of very few limited partners — meaning people who give VCs money to invest — who speak publicly about… Read More

Source: Tech Crunch

Apple open-sourced the kernel of iOS and macOS for ARM processors

 Apple has always shared the kernel of macOS after each major release. This kernel also runs on iOS devices as both macOS and iOS are built on the same foundation. This year, Apple also shared the most recent version of the kernel on GitHub. And you can also find ARM versions of the kernel for the first time.
But first, it’s time for some computer history. The first version of macOS… Read More

Source: Tech Crunch

Instacart is a spleen and it needs to be a kidney

Instacart Bags The spleen does things in the body, real things. It filters poisons and biologists think it once did much more. But, if your spleen goes sideways you can take it out and not change your lifestyle much. It does stuff, but not enough to make it indispensable. Lose your kidneys and your life is going to start sucking real fast. You wouldn’t die with just one kidney, but you’d… Read More

Source: Tech Crunch